Market Placement

Intentional marketing and enrollment strategies paired with strong branding allow your school to attract and retain vision-aligned families. Knowing who you are as an organization and understanding your market position are key to implementing strategies for organizational success. We are experts in the school experience and know how to keep families coming; and coming back for more.


Gain the insights and information needed to make strategic marketing decisions for your school through a comprehensive market study. We conduct market research that provides your organization with valuable insights into your school brand and the context of your business. The outcome of this effort is a comprehensive analysis of your brand position and market potential.

Marketing & Retention Plans

Grow enrollment and build connections with prospective families through the development of strategic marketing and retention plans. We develop programs to attract vision-aligned families who will strengthen your community. Our customer experience assessments identify pitfalls, program misalignments, and areas for improvement to ensure a positive customer experience that keeps families coming back year after year.

Inbound Marketing

Harness the power of inbound marketing to attract, recruit, and retain families at your school. We create and manage inbound marketing programs for schools using digital tools such as SEO, social media, and email marketing campaigns that provide focused, relevant content to forge connections between your school and your ideal families.

Social Media Management

Create an engaging, dynamic social media presence that celebrates your school community for current and prospective families. Our social media management programs elevate your brand and provide consistent digital content to your audiences. Grow channel subscriptions to increase your social media reach to maximize your presence online. Our social media management services include:

  • Content planning and development
  • Staff training and support
  • Graphic design
  • Monitoring, reporting, and analytics

Short-handed? We also offer full-service social media management programs for schools of all sizes