A Checklist for School Bus Service After Coronavirus

As your school or district makes plans to return to school bus service after coronavirus this fall, transportation departments have a steep road ahead of them to ensure the health and safety of their pupils and drivers during the coronavirus pandemic. The close proximity of students in seats and the enclosed space of the bus makes home-to-school transportation nothing less than challenging. And the reality is that once you get this figured out for the return to school this fall, be ready for more changes. The constantly evolving definition of the standard of care for students this year will change, and change again, as we learn more about the coronavirus and preventative measures for infection.

Use the checklist below to guide your decision-making process for returning to the road this fall. Click here to download a printer-friendly version of this checklist.

  • Familiarize Yourself with State Guidelines
    Research your state’s Department of Health and Department of Education guidelines for the safe transportation of students upon returning to school.
  • Familiarize Yourself with County Guidelines
    In many states, counties will define specific criteria for schools to operate within upon their return. Check with your county’s health department and office of education for additional guidance.
  • Review Bus Routing and Bell Time Planning
    Prepare scenarios for hybrid school schedules such as half days or several days on / several days off. Evaluate the needs of your students and assess your routes to determine what will work for your school and stakeholders.
  • Plan for New Disinfection Protocols
    Transportation departments will need to adopt disciplined disinfection routines including fogging, wipe-downs between routes, and overnight cleanings. Determine your routines and locate resources for the procurement of necessary supplies.
  • Plan for Physical Distancing on the Bus
    Your state and county’s guidance will dictate the requirements for physical distancing on the bus. Will your department choose to skip seats or adopt limitations such as one person per seat or assigned seating? Once these decisions have been made, draft boarding and de-boarding instructions for your riders.
  • Train Your Drivers
    Plan for additional training for your drivers and transportation staff to become familiar with all new policies including disinfection routines and safety guidelines.
  • Train Your Riders
    Educate your bus riders and their families about the new rules for school transportation. Post signs on the bus to remind them of the rules and develop enforcement plans to ensure the new procedures are followed.
  • Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Drivers and Staff
    Determine what supplies your drivers and staff will need. These may include masks, face shields, or gloves. Plan to order supplies early in anticipation of shortages and shipment delays due to increased demand.
  • Plan for the Onboarding of New Staff and theRetention of Vulnerable Populations
    Investigate the use of staffing agencies to fully-staff your department in the event that substitute or additional drivers are needed. Stay informed on FMLA and approved leaves of absence for vulnerable staff.
  • Execute Fleet Analysis and Procurement
    Expedite your department’s fleet replacement plans to achieve the capacity needed to implement social distancing measures on buses. Look into leasing options and fleet right-sizing and analysis to achieve the procurement of the appropriate assets by the start of your school year.

We are Here to Help

Bringing your school bus fleet back into service after the coronavirus will be challenging. Changing legislative criteria and evolving health risks for pupils and drivers will require that you stay knowledgeable about current guidelines and nimble to adjust accordingly. 

Strategic School Consultants provides consulting services for schools and districts of all sizes. Our team is experienced in the inner workings of schools and is ready to partner with you to get your bus fleet back on the road this fall. Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 800-293-8380 to begin a conversation with our team.

Printer-Friendly Checklist

Click the button below to download a printer-friendly version of this checklist.

How Can We Help?

Our consultants have a deep knowledge of the inner workings of schools and districts. Reach out to us to start a conversation. Whether it is an operations, communications, or marketing concern, we can help.

Strategic School Consultants provides consulting services for schools and districts of all sizes.